* Compile with Makefile.cio
* Input: An int, a float, and a string, numerous times
* Output: Information on the communicators and input.
* See Chap 8, pp. 142 & ff in PPMPI
#include "mpi.h"
#include "cio.h"
void Print_attr(
char* source_comm_name,
char* new_comm_name,
MPI_Comm new_comm);
main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
MPI_Comm io_comm_world;
MPI_Comm even_comm;
MPI_Comm odd_comm;
MPI_Comm duped_comm;
int split_key;
int p;
int my_rank;
int ival;
float fval;
char sval[100];
int ret_val;
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &p);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);
printf("Process %d > IO_KEY = %d\n", my_rank, IO_KEY);
MPI_Comm_dup(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &io_comm_world);
Cache_io_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, io_comm_world);
printf("Process %d > IO_KEY = %d\n", my_rank, IO_KEY);
Print_attr("MPI_COMM_WORLD", "io_comm_world", io_comm_world);
split_key = my_rank % 2;
if (split_key == 0) {
MPI_Comm_split(io_comm_world, split_key, my_rank, &even_comm);
Cache_io_rank(io_comm_world, even_comm);
Print_attr("io_comm_world", "even_comm", even_comm);
Cache_io_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, even_comm);
Print_attr("MPI_COMM_WORLD", "even_comm", even_comm);
MPI_Comm_dup(even_comm, &duped_comm);
Print_attr("even_comm", "duped_comm", duped_comm);
} else {
MPI_Comm_split(io_comm_world, split_key, my_rank, &odd_comm);
Cache_io_rank(io_comm_world, odd_comm);
Print_attr("io_comm_world", "odd_comm", odd_comm);
Cache_io_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, odd_comm);
Print_attr("MPI_COMM_WORLD", "odd_comm", odd_comm);
MPI_Comm_dup(odd_comm, &duped_comm);
Print_attr("odd_comm", "duped_comm", duped_comm);
ret_val = Cscanf(MPI_COMM_WORLD, "Enter an int, a float, and a string",
"%d %f %s", &ival, &fval, &sval);
ret_val = Cprintf(MPI_COMM_WORLD, "MPI_COMM_WORLD read:","%d %f %s",
ival, fval, sval);
ret_val = Cscanf(io_comm_world, "Enter an int, a float, and a string",
"%d %f %s", &ival, &fval, &sval);
ret_val = Cprintf(io_comm_world, "io_comm_world read:","%d %f %s",
ival, fval, sval);
if (split_key == 0) {
ret_val = Cscanf(even_comm, "Enter an int, a float, and a string",
"%d %f %s", &ival, &fval, &sval);
ret_val = Cprintf(even_comm, "even_comm read:","%d %f %s",
ival, fval, sval);
ret_val = Cscanf(duped_comm, "Enter an int, a float, and a string",
"%d %f %s", &ival, &fval, &sval);
ret_val = Cprintf(duped_comm, "duped_comm read:","%d %f %s",
ival, fval, sval);
} else {
ret_val = Cscanf(odd_comm, "Enter an int, a float, and a string",
"%d %f %s", &ival, &fval, &sval);
ival = 2*ival; fval = 2*fval;
ret_val = Cprintf(odd_comm, "odd_comm read:","%d %f %s",
ival, fval, sval);
ret_val = Cscanf(duped_comm, "Enter an int, a float, and a string",
"%d %f %s", &ival, &fval, &sval);
ival = 2*ival; fval = 2*fval;
ret_val = Cprintf(duped_comm, "duped_comm read:","%d %f %s",
ival, fval, sval);
ret_val = Cerror_test(MPI_COMM_WORLD,"main MPI_COMM_WORLD",0);
ret_val = Cerror_test(io_comm_world,"main io_comm_world",0);
if (split_key == 0) {
ret_val = Cerror_test(even_comm,"main even_comm",0);
ret_val = Cerror_test(duped_comm,"main duped_comm",0);
} else {
ret_val = Cerror_test(odd_comm,"main odd_comm",0);
ret_val = Cerror_test(duped_comm,"main duped_comm",0);
ret_val = Cerror_test(io_comm_world,"main io_comm_world", -1);
} /* main */
void Print_attr(
char* source_comm_name,
char* new_comm_name,
MPI_Comm new_comm) {
int* io_rank_ptr;
int flag;
int my_rank;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);
MPI_Attr_get(new_comm, IO_KEY, &io_rank_ptr, &flag);
if (flag == 0) {
printf("Process %d > No attribute associated to IO_KEY in %s from %s\n",
my_rank, new_comm_name, source_comm_name);
} else {
printf("Process %d > io_rank = %d in %s (received from %s)\n",
my_rank, *io_rank_ptr, new_comm_name, source_comm_name);
} /* Print_attr */
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