Bu Blogda Ara

7 Şubat 2010 Pazar

Functions for I/O of arrays using a cyclic distribution.

/* cyclic_io.c -- Functions for I/O of arrays using a cyclic distribution.
* See Chap 8, pp. 158 & ff in PPMPI
#include "mpi.h"
#include "cio.h"
#include "cyclic_io.h"

* Initialize all members except entries
void Initialize_params(
MPI_Comm* comm /* in */,
int n /* in */,
CYCLIC_ARRAY_T array /* out */) {

int p;
int my_rank;
int q;
int quotient;
int remainder;

Comm_ptr(array) = comm;

MPI_Comm_size(*comm, &p);
Comm_size(array) = p;

MPI_Comm_rank(*comm, &my_rank);
Comm_rank(array) = my_rank;

Order(array) = n;

quotient = n/p;
remainder = n % p;

if (remainder == 0)
Padded_size(array) = n;
Padded_size(array) = p*(quotient+1);
if (my_rank < remainder) {
Local_size(array) = quotient+1;
} else {
Local_size(array) = quotient;

Stride(array) = p;

Build_cyclic_type( &Type(array), Stride(array),
Padded_size(array), p);

} /* Initialize_params */

void Build_cyclic_type(
MPI_Datatype* cyclic_mpi_t /* out */,
int stride /* in */,
int array_size /* in */,
int p /* in */) {

MPI_Datatype vector_mpi_t;
int blocksizes[2];
MPI_Aint displacements[2];
MPI_Datatype type_list[2];

MPI_Type_vector(array_size/p, 1, stride, MPI_FLOAT,

blocksizes[0] = blocksizes[1] = 1;
displacements[0] = 0;
displacements[1] = sizeof(float);
type_list[0] = vector_mpi_t;
type_list[1] = MPI_UB;

MPI_Type_struct(2, blocksizes, displacements, type_list,
} /* Build_cyclic_type */

void Print_params(
CYCLIC_ARRAY_T array /* in */) {

Cprintf(Comm(array),"p = ", "%d", Comm_size(array));
Cprintf(Comm(array),"my_rank = ", "%d", Comm_rank(array));
Cprintf(Comm(array),"order = ", "%d", Order(array));
Cprintf(Comm(array),"padded size = ", "%d",

Cprintf(Comm(array),"my size","%d", Local_size(array));
Cprintf(Comm(array),"stride","%d", Stride(array));

} /* Print_params */

/* Assumes that each process is using local_entries
* member to store current contents of array. If
* this is not the case, appropriate range of
* values from entries must be copied into
* local_entries before call to MPI_Gather.
void Print_entries(
char* title /* in */,
CYCLIC_ARRAY_T array /* in */) {

int root;
int q;
int quotient;
int remainder;
int i, j, k;
int send_size;

Get_io_rank(Comm(array), &root);

send_size = Padded_size(array)/Comm_size(array);
MPI_Gather(Local_entries(array), send_size, MPI_FLOAT,
Entries(array), 1, Type(array), root,

if (Comm_rank(array) == root) {
printf("%s\n", title);
printf(" Processes\n");
for (q = 0; q < Comm_size(array); q++)
printf("%4d ",q);
for (q = 0; q < Comm_size(array); q++)

quotient = Order(array)/Comm_size(array);
remainder = Order(array) % Comm_size(array);
k = 0;
for (i = 0; i < quotient; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < Comm_size(array); j++) {
printf("%7.3f ", Entry(array,k));
for (j = 0; j < remainder; j++) {
printf("%7.3f ", Entry(array,k));
} /* Print_entries */

/* Reads values into local_entries member on each process.
* If values should go into entries member, it
* is necessary to add a loop to copy the values.
void Read_entries(
char* prompt /* in */,
CYCLIC_ARRAY_T array /* in */) {

int root;
int i;
int c;
int recv_size;

Get_io_rank(Comm(array), &root);

if (Comm_rank(array) == root) {
for (i = 0; i < Order(array); i++) {
scanf("%f", &Entry(array,i));
/* Skip to end of line */
while ((c = getchar()) != '\n');
/* Fill padding with 0's */
for (i = Order(array); i < Padded_size(array); i++)
Entry(array,i) = 0.0;


recv_size = Padded_size(array)/Comm_size(array);
MPI_Scatter(Entries(array), 1, Type(array),
Local_entries(array), recv_size, MPI_FLOAT,
root, Comm(array));

} /* Read_entries */

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