* See Chap 8, pp. 142 & ff in PPMPI
#include "mpi.h"
#include "cio.h"
/* BUFSIZ is defined in stdio.h */
char io_buf[BUFSIZ];
/* Key identifying IO_Attribute */
/* unused */
void* extra_arg;
static int* error_buf;
static int error_bufsiz = 0;
/* Attempt to identify a process in io_comm that can be
* used for I/O.
* First see whether program defined io rank has been
* cached with either communicator. If this fails
* try MPI defined io rank.
* Return values:
* 1. 0: rank of I/O process cached with io_comm.
* 2. NO_IO_ATTR: couldn't find processor that could
* carry out I/O. MPI_PROC_NULL cached with
* io_comm.
* Notes:
* 1. This is a collective operation, since function
* Copy_attr may use collective comm.
* 2. Only possible values cached are a valid process
* rank in comm2 or MPI_PROC_NULL. (MPI_ANY_SOURCE
* won't be cached.)
int Cache_io_rank(
MPI_Comm orig_comm /* in */,
MPI_Comm io_comm /* in/out */) {
int retval; /* 0 or NO_IO_ATTR */
#ifdef DEBUG
int my_rank;
MPI_Comm_rank(orig_comm, &my_rank);
printf("Process %d > In Cache_io_rank\n", my_rank);
/* Check whether IO_KEY is defined. If not, define */
MPI_NULL_DELETE_FN, &IO_KEY, extra_arg);
} else if ((retval = Copy_attr(io_comm, io_comm,
/* Value cached */
return retval;
} else if ((retval = Copy_attr(orig_comm, io_comm,
/* Value cached */
return retval;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Process %d > In Cache_io_rank, give up on IO_KEY\n",
/* Now see if we can find a value cached for MPI_IO */
if ((retval = Copy_attr(orig_comm, io_comm,
/* Value cached */
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Process %d > Copied attribute from orig to io\n",
return retval;
} else if ((retval = Copy_attr(io_comm, io_comm,
/* Value cached */
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Process %d > Copied attribute from io to io\n",
return retval;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Process %d > In Cache_io_rank, returning at end\n",
/* Couldn't find process that could carry out I/O */
/* Copy_attr has cached MPI_PROC_NULL */
return NO_IO_ATTR;
} /* Cache_io_rank */
/* Get attribute value associated with attribute key KEY
* in comm1, and cache with comm2 IO_KEY
* KEY can be either IO_KEY or MPI_IO.
* Return values:
* 1. 0: valid attribute successfully cached.
* 2. NO_IO_ATTR: Couldn't find process that could
* carry out I/O. MPI_PROC_NULL is cached with
* comm2.
int Copy_attr(
MPI_Comm comm1 /* in */,
MPI_Comm comm2 /* in/out */,
int KEY /* in */) {
int io_rank;
int temp_rank;
int* io_rank_ptr;
int equal_comm;
int flag;
#ifdef DEBUG
int my_rank;
MPI_Comm_rank(comm1, &my_rank);
printf("Process %d > In Copy_attr \n",
MPI_Attr_get(comm1, KEY, &io_rank_ptr, &flag);
#ifdef DEBUG
if (flag == 0) {
printf("Process %d > Attr_get failed\n", my_rank);
} else if (*io_rank_ptr == MPI_ANY_SOURCE) {
printf("Process %d > attr = MPI_ANY_SOURCE\n",
printf("Process %d > MPI_ANY_SOURCE = %d\n",
my_rank, MPI_ANY_SOURCE);
} else {
printf("Process %d > attr = %d\n",
my_rank, *io_rank_ptr);
if (flag == 0) {
/* Attribute not cached with comm1 */
io_rank_ptr = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int));
*io_rank_ptr = MPI_PROC_NULL;
MPI_Attr_put(comm2, IO_KEY, io_rank_ptr);
return NO_IO_ATTR;
} else if (*io_rank_ptr == MPI_PROC_NULL) {
MPI_Attr_put(comm2, IO_KEY, io_rank_ptr);
return NO_IO_ATTR;
} else if (*io_rank_ptr == MPI_ANY_SOURCE) {
/* Any process can carry out I/O. Use */
/* process 0 */
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Process %d > Returning from Copy on MPI_ANY_SOURCE\n",
io_rank_ptr = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int));
*io_rank_ptr = 0;
MPI_Attr_put(comm2, IO_KEY, io_rank_ptr);
#ifdef DEBUG
int* temp_ptr;
MPI_Attr_get(comm2, IO_KEY, &temp_ptr, &flag);
if (flag == 0)
printf("Process %d > In Copy, no value cached!\n", my_rank);
printf("Process %d > In Copy, cached io_rank = %d\n",
my_rank, *temp_ptr);
return 0;
/* Value in *io_rank_ptr is a valid process */
/* rank in comm1. Action depends on whether */
/* comm1 == comm2. */
MPI_Comm_compare(comm1, comm2, &equal_comm);
if (equal_comm == MPI_IDENT) {
/* comm1 == comm2. Valid value already */
/* cached. Do nothing. */
return 0;
} else {
/* Check whether rank returned is valid */
/* process rank in comm2 */
Get_corresp_rank(comm1, *io_rank_ptr,
comm2, &temp_rank);
/* Different ranks may have been returned */
/* on different processes. Get min */
if (temp_rank == MPI_UNDEFINED)
temp_rank = HUGE;
MPI_Allreduce(&temp_rank, &io_rank, 1, MPI_INT,
MPI_MIN, comm2);
io_rank_ptr = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int));
if (io_rank < HUGE) {
*io_rank_ptr = io_rank;
MPI_Attr_put(comm2, IO_KEY, io_rank_ptr);
return 0;
} else {
/* No process got a valid rank in comm2 */
/* from Get_corresp_rank */
*io_rank_ptr = MPI_PROC_NULL;
MPI_Attr_put(comm2, IO_KEY, io_rank_ptr);
return NO_IO_ATTR;
} /* Copy_attr */
/* Determines whether the process with rank rank1 in
* comm1 is a valid rank in comm2.
* If it is, it returns the rank in *rank2_ptr. If it
* isn't it returns MPI_UNDEFINED.
void Get_corresp_rank(
MPI_Comm comm1 /* in */,
int rank1 /* in */,
MPI_Comm comm2 /* in */,
int* rank2_ptr /* out */) {
MPI_Group group1;
MPI_Group group2;
MPI_Comm_group(comm1, &group1);
MPI_Comm_group(comm2, &group2);
MPI_Group_translate_ranks(group1, 1,
&rank1, group2, rank2_ptr);
} /* Get_corresp_rank */
/* Check whether IO_KEY is valid. If it is, attempt to
* access it. If it isn't attempt to define it from
* Return values:
* 1. 0: Valid rank returned.
* 2. NO_IO_ATTR: Unable to find rank.
int Get_io_rank(
MPI_Comm io_comm /* in */,
int* io_rank_ptr /* out */) {
int* temp_ptr;
int flag;
MPI_NULL_DELETE_FN, &IO_KEY, extra_arg);
} else {
MPI_Attr_get(io_comm, IO_KEY, &temp_ptr, &flag);
if ((flag != 0) && (*temp_ptr != MPI_PROC_NULL)) {
*io_rank_ptr = *temp_ptr;
return 0;
if (Copy_attr(MPI_COMM_WORLD, io_comm, MPI_IO)
== NO_IO_ATTR) {
return NO_IO_ATTR;
} else {
MPI_Attr_get(io_comm, IO_KEY, &temp_ptr, &flag);
*io_rank_ptr = *temp_ptr;
return 0;
} /* Get_io_rank */
/* Prompt for input, read one line and broadcast.
* Return values:
* 1. 0: input read
* 2. NO_IO_ATTR: no rank cached with IO_KEY.
* Notes:
* 1. Prompt is significant only on IO_process
int Cscanf(
MPI_Comm io_comm /* in */,
char* prompt /* in */,
char* format /* in */,
... /* out */) {
va_list args;
int my_io_rank;
int root;
int count = 0;
char c;
char* ptr;
if (Get_io_rank(io_comm, &root) == NO_IO_ATTR)
return NO_IO_ATTR;
MPI_Comm_rank(io_comm, &my_io_rank);
/* Read in data on root */
if (my_io_rank == root) {
printf("%s\n", prompt);
ptr = io_buf;
if (my_io_rank == root) {
printf("%s\n", prompt);
while ( (count < BUFSIZ - 1) &&
((c = getchar()) != EOF) &&
(c != '\n') ) {
*ptr = c;
count = count + 1;
ptr = ptr + 1;
*ptr = '\0';
} */ /* my_io_rank == root */
/* Broadcast the input data */
MPI_Bcast(io_buf, BUFSIZ, MPI_CHAR, root, io_comm);
/* Copy the input data into the parameters */
va_start(args, format);
vsscanf(io_buf, format, args);
return 0;
} /* Cscanf */
/* Prints data from all processes. Format of data must
* be the same on each process.
* Return values:
* 1. 0: data printed
* 2. NO_IO_ATTR: no rank cached with IO_KEY
* Notes:
* 1. Title is significant only on root.
int Cprintf(
MPI_Comm io_comm /* in */,
char* title /* in */,
char* format /* in */,
... /* in */) {
int q;
int my_io_rank;
int io_p;
int root;
MPI_Status status;
va_list args;
if (Get_io_rank(io_comm, &root) == NO_IO_ATTR)
return NO_IO_ATTR;
MPI_Comm_rank(io_comm, &my_io_rank);
MPI_Comm_size(io_comm, &io_p);
/* Send output data to io_process */
if (my_io_rank != root) {
/* Copy the output data into io_buf */
va_start(args, format);
vsprintf(io_buf, format, args);
MPI_Send(io_buf, strlen(io_buf) + 1, MPI_CHAR,
root, 0, io_comm);
} else { /* my_io_rank == root */
for (q = 0; q < root; q++) {
MPI_Recv(io_buf, BUFSIZ, MPI_CHAR, q,
0, io_comm, &status);
printf("Process %d > %s\n",q, io_buf);
/* Copy the output data into io_buf */
va_start(args, format);
vsprintf(io_buf, format, args);
printf("Process %d > %s\n",root, io_buf);
for (q = root+1; q < io_p; q++) {
MPI_Recv(io_buf, BUFSIZ, MPI_CHAR, q,
0, io_comm, &status);
printf("Process %d > %s\n",q, io_buf);
return 0;
} /* Cprintf */
/* Gathers error codes from all processes to all processes.
* If any error is negative, all processes abort.
* Return values:
* 1. 0: no error detected.
* 2. NO_IO_ATTR: No valid rank cached with IO_KEY.
* Notes:
* 1. "routine_name" only has significance on io_process.
int Cerror_test(
MPI_Comm io_comm /* in */,
char* routine_name /* in */,
int error /* in */) {
int q;
int io_p;
int error_count = 0;
int io_process;
int my_io_rank;
if (Get_io_rank(io_comm, &io_process) == NO_IO_ATTR)
return NO_IO_ATTR;
MPI_Comm_size(io_comm, &io_p);
MPI_Comm_rank(io_comm, &my_io_rank);
if (error_bufsiz == 0) {
error_buf = (int*) malloc(io_p*sizeof(int));
error_bufsiz = io_p;
} else if (error_bufsiz < io_p) {
realloc(error_buf, io_p);
error_bufsiz = io_p;
MPI_Allgather(&error, 1, MPI_INT, error_buf, 1,
MPI_INT, io_comm);
for (q = 0; q < io_p; q++) {
if (error_buf[q] < 0) {
if (my_io_rank == io_process) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error in %s on process %d\n",
routine_name, q);
if (error_count > 0)
return 0;
} /* Cerror_test */
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