* Version 2: Process 0 starts off the ring pass.
* Time communication around a ring of processes.
* Guaranteed to have bugs.
* Input: None (see notes).
* Output: Average, minimum, and maximum time for messages
* of varying sizes to be forwarded around a ring of
* processes.
* Algorithm:
* 1. Allocate and initialize storage for messages
* and communication times
* 2. Compute ranks of neighbors in ring.
* 3. Foreach message size
* 3b. Foreach test
* 3a. Start clock
* 3c. Send message around loop
* 3d. Add elapsed time to running sum
* 3e. Update max/min elapsed time
* 4. Print times.
* Functions:
* Initialize: Allocate and initialize arrays
* Print_results: Send results to I/O process
* and print.
* Notes:
* 1. Due to difficulties some MPI implementations
* have with input, the number of tests, the max
* message size, the min message size, and the size
* increment are hardwired.
* 2. We assume that the size increment evenly divides
* the difference max_size - min_size
* See Chap 9, pp. 192 & ff and pp. 202 & ff in PPMPI.
#include "mpi.h"
#include "cio.h"
void Initialize(int max_size, int min_size, int size_incr,
int my_rank, float** x_ptr, double** times_ptr,
double** max_times_ptr, double** min_times_ptr,
int* order_ptr);
void Print_results(MPI_Comm io_comm, int my_rank,
int min_size, int max_size, int size_incr,
int time_array_order, int test_count,
double* times, double* max_times, double* min_times);
main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int test_count = 2; /* Number of tests */
int max_size = 1000; /* Max msg. length */
int min_size = 1000; /* Min msg. length */
int size_incr = 1000; /* Increment for */
/* msg. sizes */
float* x; /* Message buffer */
double* times; /* Elapsed times */
double* max_times; /* Max times */
double* min_times; /* Min times */
int time_array_order; /* Size of timing */
/* arrays. */
double start; /* Start time */
double elapsed; /* Elapsed time */
int i, test, size; /* Loop variables */
int p, my_rank, source, dest;
MPI_Comm io_comm;
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &p);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);
MPI_Comm_dup(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &io_comm);
Cache_io_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, io_comm);
Cprintf(io_comm,"","Before Initialize, p = %d, my_rank = %d",
p, my_rank);
Initialize(max_size, min_size, size_incr, my_rank,
&x, ×, &max_times, &min_times,
source = (my_rank - 1) % p;
dest = (my_rank + 1) % p;
/* For each message size, find average circuit time */
/* Loop var size = message size */
/* Loop var i = index into arrays for timings */
for (size = min_size, i = 0; size <= max_size;
size = size + size_incr, i++) {
"Before if, my_rank = %d, source = %d, dest = %d",
my_rank, source, dest);
if (my_rank == 0) {
times[i] =0.0;
max_times[i] = 0.0;
min_times[i] = 1000000.0;
for (test = 0; test < test_count; test++) {
start = MPI_Wtime();
MPI_Send(x, size, MPI_FLOAT, dest, 0,
MPI_Recv(x, size, MPI_FLOAT, source, 0,
MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
elapsed = MPI_Wtime() - start;
times[i] = times[i] + elapsed;
if (elapsed > max_times[i])
max_times[i] = elapsed;
if (elapsed < min_times[i])
min_times[i] = elapsed;
} else { /* my_rank != 0 */
for (test = 0; test < test_count; test++) {
MPI_Recv(x, size, MPI_FLOAT, source, 0,
MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Send(x, size, MPI_FLOAT, dest, 0,
} /* for size . . . */
Print_results(io_comm, my_rank, min_size, max_size,
size_incr, time_array_order, test_count, times,
max_times, min_times);
} /* main */
void Initialize(int max_size, int min_size, int size_incr,
int my_rank, float** x_ptr, double** times_ptr,
double** max_times_ptr, double** min_times_ptr,
int* order_ptr) {
int i;
*x_ptr = (float *) malloc(max_size*sizeof(float));
*order_ptr = (max_size - min_size)/size_incr;
*times_ptr =
(double *) malloc((*order_ptr)*sizeof(double));
*max_times_ptr =
(double *) malloc((*order_ptr)*sizeof(double));
*min_times_ptr =
(double *) malloc((*order_ptr)*sizeof(double));
/* Initialize buffer -- why this? */
for (i = 0; i < max_size; i++)
(*x_ptr)[i] = (float) my_rank;
} /* Initialize */
/* Send results from process 0 in MPI_COMM_WORLD to */
/* I/O process in io_comm, which prints the results. */
void Print_results(MPI_Comm io_comm, int my_rank,
int min_size, int max_size, int size_incr,
int time_array_order, int test_count, double* times,
double* max_times, double* min_times) {
int i;
int size;
MPI_Status status;
int io_process;
int io_rank;
Get_io_rank(io_comm, &io_process);
MPI_Comm_rank(io_comm, &io_rank);
if (my_rank == 0) {
MPI_Send(times, time_array_order, MPI_DOUBLE,
io_rank, 0, io_comm);
MPI_Send(max_times, time_array_order, MPI_DOUBLE,
io_process, 0, io_comm);
MPI_Send(min_times, time_array_order, MPI_DOUBLE,
io_process, 0, io_comm);
if (io_rank == io_process) {
MPI_Recv(times, time_array_order, MPI_DOUBLE,
MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 0, io_comm, &status);
MPI_Recv(max_times, time_array_order, MPI_DOUBLE,
MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 0, io_comm, &status);
MPI_Recv(min_times, time_array_order, MPI_DOUBLE,
MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 0, io_comm, &status);
printf("Message size (floats): ");
for (size = min_size;
size <= max_size; size += size_incr)
printf("%10d ", size);
printf("Avg circuit time (ms): ");
for (i = 0; i < time_array_order; i++)
printf("%10f ",1000.0*times[i]/test_count);
printf("Max circuit time (ms): ");
for (i = 0; i < time_array_order; i++)
printf("%10f ",1000.0*max_times[i]);
printf("Min circuit time (ms): ");
for (i = 0; i < time_array_order; i++)
printf("%10f ",1000.0*min_times[i]);
} /* Print_results */