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7 Şubat 2010 Pazar

Uses iterative methods in PETSc to solve a random sparse linear system Ax = b in MPI

/* sparse_linsolve.c
* Uses iterative methods in PETSc to solve a random
* sparse linear system Ax = b.
* Input:
* n: order of the linear system
* diagonal: value of diagonal entries in matrix
* prob: probability that an off-diagonal entry
* is nonzero
* initial_dist: the initial distribution of the
* coefficient matrix: 0 indicates that
* the entire matrix initially resides on
* process 0, 1 indicates that it will be
* distributed among the processes.
* Output:
* Information from PETSc: solver, tolerances,
* type of preconditioning, and storage
* information for the coefficient matrix
* error: 2-norm of error in solution
* iterations: number of iterations before
* solver terminated
* To compile:
* See PETSc makefile.
* To run:
* mpirun -np p linsolve [petsc options]
* Petsc Options:
* Can specify solver and preconditioner. Options have
* the form
* -option_name option_value
* Some valid option names and values follow.
* 1. ksp_method: the Krylov Subspace method used
* by the solver. Possible values: richardson,
* chebychev, cg, gmres, tcqmr, bcgs, cgs,
* tfqmr, cr, lsqr, preonly.
* 2. ksp_rtol: decrease in residual norm relative
* to size of initial residual for convergence.
* Values are doubles.
* 3. ksp_atol: absolute size of the residual norm
* for convergence. Values are doubles.
* 4. ksp_max_it: maximum number of iterations
* before terminating solve. Values are ints.
* 5. ksp_monitor: display residual norms.
* (No value.)
* 6. pc_method: the preconditioning method.
* Some values are none, jacobi, bjacobi, sor,
* icc, ilu, lu. (lu simply uses LU
* factorization to solve the system. This is
* only available when run with one process.)
* 7. pc_sor_omega: the relaxation factor
* for sor. Value is a double.
* 8. pc_sor_its: the number of inner iterations
* to use in the sor. Value is an int.
* 9. pc_bjacobi_blocks: the number of blocks to
* to use in block jacobi. Value is an int.
* Algorithm:
* 1. Initialize MPI and PETSc.
* 2. Build derived datatype for input data.
* 3a. Process 0 read and broadcast input data.
* 3b. Processes != 0 receive input data.
* 4. if (initial_dist == 0)
* process 0 initializes the matrix
* else
* each process initializes its rows
* 5. All processes begin nonblocking distribution of
* coefficient matrix using MatAssemblyBegin.
* 6. Use VecCreate and VecDuplicate to create
* vectors b, x, and exact.
* 7. Set entries in exact to 1 using VecSet.
* 8. Complete distribution of matrix with
* MatAssemblyEnd.
* 9. Use MatMult to set rhs b = A*exact.
* 10. Create solver context using SLESCreate.
* 11. Associate matrix and preconditioning matrix
* with solver using SLESSetOperators.
* 12. Get command line options specifying solver
* options such as type of solver and type of
* preconditioning. Use SLESSetFromOptions.
* 13 Solve the system with SLESSolve.
* 14. Print information on solver and matrix
* using SLESView.
* 15. Compute norm of error, ||x - exact||_2, using
* VecAXPY and VecNorm.
* 16. Print error norm and number of iterations
* using MPIU_printf.
* 17. Free storage used by PETSc.
* 18. Shut down PETSc and MPI.
* Notes:
* 1. Our PETSc matrices and vectors are distributed
* by block panels.
* 2. It is not necessary to initialize A on process 0:
* any entries can be inserted on any process;
* MatAssemblyBegin/End will correctly distribute
* them among the processes.
* 3. Solver context consists of such things as a
* communicator for solver communication and data
* structures needed for solver operations such
* as matrix-vector multiply.
* 4. PETSc provides an extensive error-handling and
* traceback facility which we have not illustrated
* in this example to make source more readable.
* See Chap 15, pp. 350 & ff, in PPMPI.
#include /* Needed for drand48 and srand48 */
#include "sles.h" /* Includes headers needed by PETSc */
#include "mpi.h"

/* Required in all PETSc programs */
static char help[] = "Solve a random sparse linear system";

void Get_input(int my_rank, int* n_ptr,
double* diagonal_ptr, double* prob_ptr,
int* initial_dist_ptr);

void Build_input_datatype(MPI_Datatype* input_datatype_ptr,
int* n_ptr, double* diagonal_ptr, double* prob_ptr,
int* initial_dist_ptr);

void Initialize_matrix(int my_rank, Mat A, int n,
double diagonal, double prob,
int initial_dist);

void Allocate(int my_rank, char* name, void* list,
int size, int datatype);

int main(int argc,char **argv) {
Vec x; /* computed solution */
Vec b; /* right-hand side */
Vec exact; /* exact solution */
int p;
int my_rank;
int n; /* order of system */
double diagonal; /* diagonal matrix entries */
double prob; /* probability of an off- */
/* diagonal non-zero */
int initial_dist; /* =0 matrix initialized */
/* on process 0. =1 dist- */
/* tributed initialization */
Mat A; /* coefficient matrix */
double one = 1.0;
double minus_one = -1.0;
SLES sles; /* context for solver */
int iterations; /* number of iterations */
/* used by solver */
double error; /* 2-norm of error in sol- */
/* ution */

MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);


Get_input(my_rank, &n, &diagonal, &prob, &initial_dist);

MatCreate(MPI_COMM_WORLD, n, n, &A);

Initialize_matrix(my_rank, A, n, diagonal, prob,

MatAssemblyBegin(A, FINAL_ASSEMBLY);

/* Create and set vectors */
VecDuplicate(x, &exact);
VecDuplicate(x, &b);
VecSet(&one, exact);

MatAssemblyEnd(A, FINAL_ASSEMBLY);

MatMult(A, exact, b);

/* Set up solver context */
SLESCreate(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &sles);

/* Identify coefficient matrix and preconditioning */
/* matrix */
SLESSetOperators(sles, A, A, 0);

/* Use solver and preconditioner specified */
/* by command line options */

/* Now solve the system */
SLESSolve(sles, b, x, &iterations);

#ifdef DEBUG


/* Check solution */
VecAXPY(&minus_one, exact, x);
VecNorm(x, NORM_2, &error);
if (error >= 1.0e-12)
"Norm of error %g, Iterations %d\n",
error, iterations);
"Norm of error < 1.0e-12, Iterations %d\n",

/* Pause before quitting */
int anything;
if (my_rank == 0) {
printf("Enter a number to continue\n");
MPI_Bcast(&anything, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
printf("Process %d > anything = %d\n", my_rank, anything);

/* Free work space */

} /* main */

* Process 0 read and broadcast input data
void Get_input(int my_rank, int* n_ptr,
double* diagonal_ptr, double* prob_ptr,
int* initial_dist_ptr) {

MPI_Datatype input_datatype;

Build_input_datatype(&input_datatype, n_ptr,
diagonal_ptr, prob_ptr, initial_dist_ptr);

if (my_rank == 0)
scanf("%d %lf %lf %d", n_ptr, diagonal_ptr,
prob_ptr, initial_dist_ptr);

MPI_Bcast(n_ptr, 1, input_datatype, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

} /* Get_input */

* Build derived datatype for distributing input data
void Build_input_datatype(MPI_Datatype* input_datatype_ptr,
int* n_ptr, double* diagonal_ptr, double* prob_ptr,
int* initial_dist_ptr){

int array_of_block_lengths[4];
MPI_Aint array_of_displacements[4];
MPI_Datatype array_of_types[4];
MPI_Aint base_address;
MPI_Aint temp_address;
int i;

for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
array_of_block_lengths[i] = 1;
array_of_types[0] = MPI_INT;
array_of_types[1] = MPI_DOUBLE;
array_of_types[2] = MPI_DOUBLE;
array_of_types[3] = MPI_INT;

/* Compute displacements from n */
array_of_displacements[0] = 0;
MPI_Address(n_ptr, &base_address);
MPI_Address(diagonal_ptr, &temp_address);
array_of_displacements[1] =
temp_address - base_address;
MPI_Address(prob_ptr, &temp_address);
array_of_displacements[2] =
temp_address - base_address;
MPI_Address(initial_dist_ptr, &temp_address);
array_of_displacements[3] =
temp_address - base_address;

MPI_Type_struct(4, array_of_block_lengths,
array_of_displacements, array_of_types,

} /* Build_input_datatype */

* Assign values to matrix entries: Diagonal entries
* get value in diagonal. Off-diagonals get zero
* or a random value in the range (-1,1).
* initial_dist = 0: entire matrix initialized by
* process 0.
* initial_dist = 1: each processes initializes its
* rows.
void Initialize_matrix(int my_rank, Mat A, int n,
double diagonal, double prob,
int initial_dist) {
int* columns; /* temporary storage for col */
double* temp_row; /* indices and row entries */
int nonzero_count;
int my_min_row;
int my_max_row;
int i, j;

if (initial_dist == 0) {
if (my_rank == 0) {
my_min_row = 0;
my_max_row = n;
} else {
} else {
MatGetOwnershipRange(A, &my_min_row, &my_max_row);
printf("Process %d: my_min_row = %d, my_max_row = %d\n",
my_rank, my_min_row, my_max_row);

/* Allocate temporary storage */
Allocate(my_rank, "columns", &columns, n, 0);
Allocate(my_rank, "temp_row", &temp_row, n, 1);

/* Seed random number generator */
srand48((long) (my_rank*my_rank));
for (i = my_min_row; i < my_max_row; i++) {
nonzero_count = 0;
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
if (i == j) {
temp_row[nonzero_count] = diagonal;
columns[nonzero_count] = j;
} else if (drand48() <= prob) {
temp_row[nonzero_count] =
columns[nonzero_count] = j;
/* Insert entries in a single row (row i) into */
/* the matrix */
MatSetValues(A, 1, &i, nonzero_count, columns,
temp_row, INSERT_VALUES);
} /* Initialize_matrix */

* Allocate a list of ints or doubles. On error exit.
* datatype = 0 => int, datatype = 1 => double.
void Allocate(int my_rank, char* name, void* list,
int size, int datatype) {
int error = 0;

if (datatype == 0) {
*((int**)list) = (int*) malloc(size*sizeof(int));
if (*((int**)list) == (int*) NULL) error = 1;
} else {
*((double**)list) =
(double*) malloc(size*sizeof(double));
if (*((double**)list) == (double*) NULL) error = 1;

if (error) {
"Process %d > Malloc failed for %s!\n",
my_rank, name);
fprintf(stderr, "Process %d > size = %d\n",
my_rank, size);
fprintf(stderr, "Process %d > Quitting.\n",
} /* Allocate */

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