Bu Blogda Ara

7 Şubat 2010 Pazar

serial bitonic sort of randomly generated list * of integers

/* serial_bitonic.c -- serial bitonic sort of randomly generated list
* of integers
* Input:
* n: the length of the list -- must be a power of 2.
* Output:
* The unsorted list and the sorted list.
* Notes:
* 1. The list is statically allocated -- size specified in MAX.
* 2. Keys are in the range 0 -- KEY_MAX-1.
* See Chap 14, pp. 316 & ff. in PPMPI.

/* to get rand() */

#define MAX 16384

/* Successive subsequences will switch between
* increasing and decreasing bitonic splits.
#define INCR 0
#define DECR 1
#define Reverse(ordering) ((ordering) == INCR ? DECR : INCR)

typedef int KEY_T;
#define Swap(a,b) {KEY_T temp; temp = a; a = b; b = temp;}
#define KEY_MAX 32768

void Generate_list(int n, KEY_T A[]);
void Bitonic_sort_incr(int length, KEY_T B[]);
void Bitonic_sort_decr(int length, KEY_T B[]);
void Print_list(char* title, int n, KEY_T A[]);

main() {
int list_length;
int n;
int start_index;
int ordering;

printf("Enter the list size (a power of 2)\n");
scanf("%d", &n);

Generate_list(n, A);

Print_list("The unsorted list is", n, A);

for (list_length = 2; list_length <= n;
list_length = list_length*2)
for (start_index = 0, ordering = INCR;
start_index < n;
start_index = start_index + list_length,
ordering = Reverse(ordering))
if (ordering == INCR)
A + start_index);
A + start_index);

Print_list("The sorted list is", n, A);

} /* main */

void Generate_list(int n, KEY_T A[]) {
int i;

for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
A[i] = rand() % KEY_MAX;
} /* Generate_list */

void Bitonic_sort_incr(
int length /* in */,
KEY_T B[] /* in/out */) {
int i;
int half_way;

/* This is the bitonic split */
half_way = length/2;
for (i = 0; i < half_way; i++)
if (B[i] > B[half_way + i])

if (length > 2) {
Bitonic_sort_incr(length/2, B);
Bitonic_sort_incr(length/2, B + half_way);
} /* Bitonic_sort_incr */

void Bitonic_sort_decr(
int length /* in */,
KEY_T B[] /* in/out */) {
int i;
int half_way;

/* This is the bitonic split */
half_way = length/2;
for (i = 0; i < half_way; i++)
if (B[i] < B[half_way + i])

if (length > 2) {
Bitonic_sort_decr(length/2, B);
Bitonic_sort_decr(length/2, B + half_way);
} /* Bitonic_sort_decr */

void Print_list(char* title, int n, KEY_T A[]) {
int i;

printf("%s\n", title);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("%d ", A[i]);
} /* Print_list */

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