Bu Blogda Ara

7 Şubat 2010 Pazar

functions for handling requests for work from other processes in MPI

/* service_requests.c -- functions for handling requests for work
* from other processes.
* See Chap 14, p. 332, in PPMPI.
#include "service_requests.h"
#include "queue.h"
#include "terminate.h"
#include "node_stack.h"
#ifdef STATS
#include "stats.h"

extern int my_rank;
extern int cutoff_depth;
extern MPI_Comm io_comm;

MPI_Datatype send_stack_mpi_t;

static int allocated_size;
static int* block_lengths = (int*) NULL;
static int* displacements = (int*) NULL;
static NODE_T* node_list;
static int node_count;

/* Allocate arrays for use in constructing MPI derived datatypes.
* Return negative if malloc fails, 0 otherwise
int Allocate_type_arrays(
int cutoff_depth /* in */,
int max_children /* in */) {

allocated_size = cutoff_depth*(max_children - 1)/2;

block_lengths = (int*) malloc(allocated_size*sizeof(int));
displacements = (int*) malloc(allocated_size*sizeof(int));
node_list = (NODE_T*) malloc(allocated_size*sizeof(NODE_T));

if ( (block_lengths == (int*) NULL) ||
(displacements == (int*) NULL) ||
(node_list == (NODE_T*) NULL) )
return -1;
return 0;
} /* Allocate_type_arrays */

void Free_type_arrays(void) {
} /* Free_type_arrays */

/* Use MPI_Iprobe (via Work_requests_pending) to see whether other
* processes have requested work. If so, check local stack to
* see whether there are any nodes above cutoff_depth. If so,
* send half of them to the requesting process. If not, send
* a "reject" message. The splitting of the stack is done using
* MPI_Type_indexed. After the data has been sent. The stack
* is "compressed".
void Service_requests(
STACK_T local_stack /* in/out */,
MPI_Comm comm /* in */) {
STACK_T send_stack;
int destination;

#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Process %d > In Service_requests\n", my_rank);

while (Work_requests_pending(comm)) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Process %d > In Service_requests, queue not empty\n", my_rank);
destination = Get_dest(comm);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Process %d > In Service_requests, dest = %d\n",
my_rank, destination);
if (Nodes_available(local_stack)) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Process %d > In Service_requests, work available\n",
Split(local_stack, &send_stack);
Send_work(destination, send_stack, comm);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Process %d > In Service_requests, work sent to %d\n",
my_rank, destination);
Print_stack("After compress", local_stack, comm);
} else {
Send_reject(destination, comm);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Process %d > In Service_requests, reject sent to %d\n",
my_rank, destination);

} /* Service_requests */

/* Count until at least two nodes above cutoff depth are found */
/* Should probably be combined with Split */
int Nodes_available(
STACK_T local_stack /* in */) {
NODE_T node;
int count = 0;

node = Top(local_stack);
while ((node != NODE_NULL) && (count < 2)) {
if (Depth(node) <= cutoff_depth)
node = Pred(local_stack, node);

if (count >= 2)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
} /* Nodes_available */

/* Split builds a derived datatype that picks out the nodes to be */
/* sent */
void Split(
STACK_T local_stack /* in */,
STACK_T* send_stack_ptr /* out */) {
int index = 0;
NODE_T node;
int odd = 0;

node = Stack_list(local_stack);
node_count = 0;
while ( (node != NODE_NULL) && (node <= Top(local_stack)) ) {
if (Depth(node) <= cutoff_depth)
if (odd) {
block_lengths[node_count] = Size(node);
displacements[node_count] = index;
node_list[node_count] = node;
odd = 0; /* skip the next one above cutoff */
} else {
odd = 1; /* take the next one above cutoff */
index = index + Size(node);
node = Next(local_stack, node);

MPI_Type_indexed(node_count, block_lengths, displacements, MPI_INT,


} /* Split */

void Send_work(
int destination /* in */,
STACK_T send_stack /* in */,
MPI_Comm comm /* in */) {

MPI_Send(Stack_list(send_stack), 1, send_stack_mpi_t, destination,
WORK_TAG, comm);
Send_half_energy(destination, comm);
#ifdef STATS
} /* Send_work */

void Compress(
STACK_T stack /* in/out */) {
NODE_T compress_point; /* In general, not a node, just a point */
/* in the stack */
NODE_T delete_node;
NODE_T save_node;
int new_in_use;
int i;

#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Process %d > In Compress, raw stack_list = \n",my_rank);
Print_stack_list(In_use(stack), stack, io_comm);

compress_point = node_list[0];
new_in_use = displacements[0];

for (i = 0; i < node_count; i++) {
delete_node = node_list[i];
if (Next(stack, delete_node) <= Top(stack)) {
save_node = Next(stack, delete_node);
Copy_node(save_node, compress_point);
new_in_use = new_in_use + Size(compress_point);
compress_point = Next(stack, compress_point);

Top(stack) = Pred(stack, compress_point);
In_use(stack) = new_in_use;

#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Process %d > After Compress, raw stack_list = \n",my_rank);
Print_stack_list(In_use(stack), stack, io_comm);
printf("Process %d > After Compress, Top(stack) = \n", my_rank);
Print_node(Top(stack), stack, io_comm);
} /* Compress */

void Send_reject(
int destination /* in */,
MPI_Comm comm /* in */){
int x = -1;

MPI_Send(&x, 1, MPI_INT, destination, WORK_TAG, comm);
#ifdef STATS
} /* Send_reject */

void Send_all_rejects(
MPI_Comm comm) {
int destination;

while (Work_requests_pending(comm)) {
destination = Get_dest(comm);
Send_reject(destination, comm);
} /* Send_all_rejects */

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